So I rented Rock Band: Beatles and played through all but the last set the first night. Saturday I finished off the game. There is something satisfying about the game and how you can "beat" the Story mode in such a short play through. For my trophy hunter instinct I only had to go back and re-play 4 songs to earn the gold for playing all songs to 5 stars. Granted I only played on medium, but in my view, music games should be played for the fun of the music, not the torture of playing so hard that your hands cramp up. I may actually try some of the songs on hard though seeing that so many are listed as easy. But I think that's the magic of this game (or more likely The Beatles) is that I grew up with so much of their music that I would rather play at a hard level because I'm so familiar with the tunes that I can really get into each song.
I think the game is a great play, but I miss a lot of songs. I'm sure that's where they will get most people. Nothing like missing Norwegian Wood, Help, or Eleanor Rigby to list a few that I would love to play. What I'm curious to see is how they handle the DLC. Will they redo the background themes to each Album when they become available for download? Will they add new photos to unlock for each album as well?
I haven't tried playing the game with other instruments yet, something I may try tonight, nor have I played any songs with the kids, but I don't know if they would appreciate the songs as much.
Overall I like the game, but I'm not sure that it is anything more than just another music game. Something fun when people are over, but bland without friends.
More later folks.
I am really glad I picked it up. Sarah and I played through all but the last set Friday night. I played the first three on drums yesterday. I'm horribly afraid that they're going to suck a bunch of money out of me in the form of microsoft points now.